Sliding doors
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec lectus tellus. In dignissim lacus tempor massa aliquet pulvinar. Vestibulum mi ipsum, maximus ut felis et, consectetur facilisis nisi. Donec quis nulla venenatis, commodo purus et, fringilla ante. Nulla nec maximus urna.
Sed eu ligula pretium, pellentesque nibh et, ullamcorper sapien. Suspendisse efficitur bibendum quam, eu cursus magna hendrerit eget. Suspendisse fermentum dui et sapien varius tincidunt. Nam mollis turpis et nulla gravida varius. Duis facilisis sagittis nunc eget vestibulum. Mauris non elementum justo, et tincidunt mi. Morbi iaculis leo felis, vestibulum dignissim ipsum eleifend sit amet. Vestibulum vitae ex porttitor, malesuada tortor in, porttitor nulla.
One-piece or two-piece options are available.

Aluminium sliding door with frame-lattice design. Design depth of 60 mm. Wall thickness of at least 2 mm.
Frame profiles are connected to the sliding door elements by means of double bolts.
Pressed-in aluminium component as a static connecting element.
Panels made of aluminium or insulating glass.
The door elements are suspended by horizontally-guided roller units and plastic-covered track rollers.
The track rollers and door leaves are supported by dust-proof, maintenance-free ball bearings.
The guide bolts are 20 mm thick. Covered bolt lock.
Creating an opening for people to pass through occurs with no loss in stability.
All of the door components can be replaced easily without damaging other components!
– maximum width of door: 13000 mm (maximum width of elements: 2200 mm)
– maximum height of door: 5600 mm
Insulating tempered glass of up to 2 m2 – continuous – per door element. Complete glazing of doors is possible. Glazing as dry glazing with rubber sealing on both sides.
1mm thick aluminium sheets glued to 30 mm of rigid-foam styrofoam. Attached by means of clamped aluminium holding strips. Panels can be replaced easily.
– powder-coated with façade quality, standard colour of your choice
– anodised with A6/C0
– manually operated
– power-operated with sliding door drive

Manually operated doors are equipped with an inner sliding bolt mechanism and covered, built-in lock bars made of galvanised square steel bar.
Operation via a robust aluminium loop lever and a cased lock that is integrated into the profile.

The double-walled insulated shatterproof glass is installed from inside with clamped aluminium glazing beads and rubber seals. This ensures that the glass can be replaced easily, for instance when repairs are necessary. Glazing is generally in the form of dry glazing with rubber sealing on both sides.

The guide rail is only open at the bottom, and has an integrated seal carrier and continuous lip sealing. The door leaves are suspended by roller units. The track rollers are supported by dust-proof, maintenance-free ball bearings. The dimensions are adapted to suit the load that each type of door can handle.
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+45 71 96 96 71
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